Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Parental Rights

Today was a big day for one of the non-profits I co-founded...Nevada Homeschool Network . We introduced SB314, a bill which codifies into Nevada law that parental rights are recognized as being fundamental.

You may ask, why is a homeschool advocacy organization introducing into the legislature a parents rights bill?!

As we advocate for homeschooling, one of the foundations of our cause is that parents have a God-given (natural) right to direct their child's care, including their education. This right, while being so obvious, wasn't mentioned in the Constitution, but it has been upheld repeatedly in US Supreme Court Cases.  

Supreme Court justices can seriously impact OUR lives by changing their stance on an opinion, or by delivering a new outcome. Could this happen regarding education, YES! Then what do parents who want to direct their child's education have left to stand on? No court cases....then, it's not in the Constitution specifically, what's left? I know, God gave them to us! That argument is not going to work for every legislator, every judge, nor even for every parent.  

We need something  in our state law that affirms this belief NOW, before our rights are seriously restricted.  As it is, since there is no local law in place, many parents feel bullied into decisions they might otherwise feel strong enough to make...to vaccinate or not, to homeschool or not.

It was obvious as the hearing for this bill went on that there was no argument over the fact that parental rights are fundamental.  Everyone on the committee agreed on that. The big question was ,"Why do we need this in NV law?".

1) We need it now, before it's too late
2) We need it to improve the atmosphere for parents who are diligently trying to make good decisions for their family but are in fear of their children being removed from their custody.

This law will make a change. It will make a change in how I, and others, advocate about educational options and school choice. It will make a change in parents feeling more confident in their decisions, which will lead to more parents making decisions, instead of being told what to do. I see a change in the future! For the positive!

And, if you're not a homeschooler, should you care about this bill?  YES! YOU are still directing your child's education. YOU directed them into the local public school, or the charter school, or paid for the private school.  Maybe you don't know you directed this choice, but do you want to understand this AFTER your right has been taken away?

 Education is not the only area this bill will affirm for our parental rights...it is across the board, so yes, YOU should care about this bill!

I'm excited about it, so I had to share.  If you want more info on it , feel free to look it up at the NV legislature website, follow it as it tries to become a law! Be part of if, simply by emailing the committee or showing up to testify.

Here's to keeping our freedom!


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